
In the Yoruba religion in West Africa, Ogun (or Ogoun, Ogún, or Oggun) is an Orisha
and Loa who presides over iron, hunting, forest, woodlands, politics and war. He is the patron of blacksmiths, and is usually displayed with a number of attributes like a machete, bow and arrow, or a hammer. He is one of the husbands of goddesses Erzulie, Oshun, and Oya. Ogun is a beloved divine archetype of the Warrior gods similar to the Greek god Ares or Norse God Thor.  He is handsome, strong, virile, young and strong. His legs are muscular because he runs through the wilderness surveying His worldly territory. His arms are muscular because he hauls the heavy irons and metals that also make him the patron saint of hunters, artisans, craftsman, ironworkers, toolmakers and those who does labor and construction.

Symbol is the Veve of Ogun

Ogun is a mighty and powerful Orisha. He is known to exhibit rage and violence and destruction. Perhaps linked to this theme is the new face He has taken on in Haiti which is not exactly related to his African roots, but that of a king or powerful political leader.

He gives strength through prophecy and magick. Ogun  is said to have planted the idea in the heads of the slaves for the Haitian Revolution of 1804. Therefore, He is often called in the contemporary period to help the people of Haiti to obtain a government that is more responsive to their needs.

The Meaning of Ogun

Because Ogun is considers the master of magick and roams through the wilderness he is also considered a Shaman. The letter O in Yoruba is used to suggest someone who  holds a Spiritual Force and has mastered a particular form of wisdom, medicine or spiritual sorcery. Therefore medicine people seek his wisdom for healing.

Because Ogun carries a sword or machete he is the god of Truth and Justice, and has very little patience for games or lies. He is a doer and has no time for people who hesitate in what needs to be done. Ogun is a loner which comes from his time spent alone in the wilderness or working alone with his metal, or working his Shaman craft . He keeps only a small circle of trusted confidants he calls upon when needed. He is very attracted to females, but he tends to be shy when it comes to the feminine energy.

Spell of Ogun

As a spell for safe travels rub raw meat on all 4 of the tires of your car while asking Ogun for His blessings and protection. Then leave the meat near the woods, and or by a railroad track to give thanks.
 From the book--  "The Way of the Orisa" 
by P.J. Neimark

Offerings to Ogun

His shrine often takes the form of an iron three-legged cauldron filled with metal tools, railroad spikes,  horseshoes or other pieces of iron, along with His mysteries and 18 loose cowrie shells (diloggun) through which He speaks.

His beaded necklace varies by the area He is in, but typically alternates green and black beads. His garments are traditionally red, but have changed in modern times to become green and black with touches of red. His favorites include: the male goat, roosters, pigeons and guinea hen. Altar offerings for Ogun include red meat, pomegranates, grapes, all things hot and spicy, plantains, 151-proof rum, gin and black and dark cigars.

Altar for Ogun

Today We Present to Ogun His Tools.