In the Yoruba religion in West Africa, Ogun (or Ogoun, Ogún, or Oggun) is an Orisha
and Loa who presides over iron, hunting, forest, woodlands, politics and war. He is the patron of blacksmiths, and is usually displayed with a number of attributes like a machete, bow and arrow, or a hammer. He is one of the husbands of goddesses Erzulie, Oshun, and Oya. Ogun is a beloved divine archetype of the Warrior gods similar to the Greek god Ares or Norse God Thor. He is handsome, strong, virile, young and strong. His legs are muscular because he runs through the wilderness surveying His worldly territory. His arms are muscular because he hauls the heavy irons and metals that also make him the patron saint of hunters, artisans, craftsman, ironworkers, toolmakers and those who does labor and construction.